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What are Blue light glasses?

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Is Blue light good or bad?

Blue light is part of normal sunlight that we are exposed to every day and is a
healthy part of normal light. It can be both good and bad for us depending on
the circumstances.
We all understand about the good and bad effects of UV light that is part of
natural sunlight. We know that exposure to UV light is from sunlight is
important for Vitamin D production,  but  we also know the excessive UV light
can cause sunburn, skin cancers,  and eye health issues such as cataract and
macula degeneration  UV light is a normal and healthy part of life but in
excessive amounts it can cause damage our body. 
Exposure to blue light from sunlight outdoors is good for us as it stimulates us
and makes us more alert. At night when it is dark, or indoors under electric
lights, there is minimal blue light and so our body is therefore not as
stimulated and starts the process of falling into a sleep pattern. It is only 
recently that we have begun to appreciate the damaging that high amounts of
blue light from digital screens can have on our eyes.

How Does Blue light affect me?

Normally low levels of blue light at night signals our  body to generate sleep
hormones like melatonin and so we become tired and fall asleep. Blue light
from digital screens such as mobile phones or monitors however disrupt these
signals and less melatonin is generated. And with less melatonin we become
more stimulated and more alert, as though it is daytime. So blue light alters
and  disrupts sleep patterns and sleep quality and makes it harder to fall

How can Blue Light glasses help me?

Glasses that filter and block blue light are an important way of ensuring that
expose to blue light from screens at night will be minimized. Importantly
glasses with blue light filters  result  in less disruption of melatonin production
and a more normal sleep pattern. People also report better contrast when
viewing through blue light filters, more relaxed eyes and less dry eye

Almost any glasses lenses can be coated with a blue light filter. This blue light
coating normally also includes and antireflection coating, which reduces
reflections from off the lenses, from overhead lights and minimizes glare from
car head lights and monitors. To find out if blue light filter glasses are the best option
for you speak with any of our staff.

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